Hi... I'm Grant

Hi... I'm Grant

introducing our founder/owner/designer ... Grant Patterson.

I don't really care to over explain who I am or go into too much detail, because it's really not about me......but when I am a customer, I appreciate being able to put a face behind a brand (know who's making my stuff, what they stand for, etc.)

So I guess thats what this "Life of a Designer" blog is really for... you guys, as supporters of what we do, to see a face that goes with the brand, and I am that face. 

I was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio. I am a Christian (I love Jesus!) and believe that fashion (also just being creative in any area that presents itself) is what I have been called to do. I have a passion for helping people in any way I can and want to use the talents I've been blessed with to do so. That is why the brand is the way it is. Some would say I need to limit the things that make the brand what it is because it doesn't capitalize on one uber-specific niche. I guess I'm just creating a new one. 

Man, honestly there really isn't a whole lot else for me to share right now because I have other stuff to work on this website. I like basketball, chicken wings with lots of ranch, Created One of One, dope vintage clothes, Jesus, and my homies. That's all for now. I don't even know if people will read this stuff but I'm gonna do it either way for the people that do and really support this movement. It's Love! - Grant 

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